#Food4Syria How Can You Join?

1family pack costs RM412 for a whole month.

We are targetting to feed 14,500 families Ramadan this year.
We have received several participations but our goal is still a long way away.
Join us and help feed them this Ramadan.

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam responded, “Allaah will give you the reward of feeding a fasting person even if you were to give him just a sip of milk, a date, or a sip of water. He who feeds a fasting person until he is full, Allaah will make him drink out of my river, a sip of which will never allow him to be thirsty until he enters Jannah.”

Then he continued, “…This is the month the beginning of which is mercy, the middle part is forgiveness and the last part of it is release from hellfire.” (Al-Bayhaqi).


Pass on your donations thru these bank accounts
CIMB BANK ( Syria Care)
Account no : 8601 89 4560

Swift Code : CIBBMYKL

MAYBANK (Syria Care) :
Account no: 5621 0665 3575

Account no: 2622 5000 0217 75

Then send infos on your donations to:


Or SMS to 01137030900 Food4Syria (space) Family Pack (space) Amount (space) Bank of choice



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