Emergency Relief: Wadi Barada refugees to Idlib February 17

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Food pack for the Wadi Barada refugees in Idlib (February 2017) #CARE4SYRIA Distributing Food packs
Place: Idlib
Date: February 2017
Amount of donations: RM 49,355.00 (11,000.00 USD)
With the harsh winter that they are facing, and their homes destroyed. Death rate is increasing until now. They are one of the survivors that were safely evacuated out of Wadi Barada to Idlib. Alhamdulillah, these food supplies were bought by your donations to help Syrians, now they can smile knowing they have food to fill their empty bellies.
The distribution was done by Sheikh Abdullah Rahhal and NGO workers Muassasah Al-Ahbab in Idlib.



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